Lama ye tinggalkan blog. macam biasa lah ahahahaha
This time around, I want to tell you guys that my blog InsyaAllah will be active back after a year hahahaha . I already change the name of the blog. I change the header. It is all for the purpose of my upcoming project. InsyaAllah if Allah will and the support from my family and friends.
It is something that I really want to do since I am 13 years old.
"Tiy Sha", will be my pen name through all my social media. but my personal account will be active as usual but it is just for myself.
I hope that Tiy Sha will be successful in order to create her name as a writer, InsyaAllah. My purpose only want to make all my 'berangan' to be in a written form. 'berangan' will always be my favourite hobby and will keep continuing hahahahaha
tak salah kan, nak berangan?
So, Stay tuned....