Friday, 11 October 2019

New Environment


I got a job! Yeay!

Alhamdulillah after a long wait, many ups and downs I manage to get a job. Praise to Allah. He is the best planner. He give it on the right time.

Tak sangka sebenarnya boleh dapat. Masa interview memang tak sedia apa apa pun. Langsung tiada, tak macam sebelum sebelum ni bukan main aku belajar itu ini lepastu berdebar macam nak terkeluar jantung. Sekali masa interview tu ha engko banyak juga lah dia tanya. Sampaikan aku belajar apa dulu dia nak tahu. Ya Allah aku tak prepare apa-apa.

Jadi aku balik dengan redha sahaja. kalau ada, adalah. kalau tiada bukan rezeki. Selepas itu selang seminggu sahaja dia panggil aku datang kerja. Ya Allah aku terkejut. macam tak percaya. Betui ka apa yang aku dengaq ni? Aku belum pekak lagi tapi kenyataan ini buat aku terkejut. Terus debaq mai dah macam nak guguq jantung ni.

Then, aku masuk kerja. the environment langsung aku tak terfikir atau aku angankan. mindset aku dari kecil aku nak kerja as a government officer tau but then I got to work in a private limited company. Can you imagine how far the gape? Its totally different. Plus I am working in a private hospital. MasyaAllah. Allah sahaja lah yang Maha Mengetahui perasaan aku waktu tu.

I need to learn about anatomy, about medical procedure, need to learn many things in medical. it is really different from what my course or major in university. I am a political science student. How can I adapt in this kind of environment? I really hate medic since kids hahahahahaha Allah knows everything. Only Him.

But then I be positive. Mungkin Allah nak aku belajar ilmu baru. Allah nak aku terima banyak ilmu sebelum the real job yang sesuai dengan aku akan Dia bagi nanti. Dan lagi satu aku fikir mungkin Allah tak nak aku terlalu bencikan sesuatu perkara sebab the end of the day, you need to face it jugak without argue because that is a responsibility.

Betullah ilmu Allah itu luas. Tersangat luas hingga antara perkara yang akan dibawa hingga ke mati adalah ilmu yang bermanfaat. Thats why maybe I am not continuing my study in degree level but Allah replace it with the new one. which is a major that I never dream of. 

So, everyday when I came to work, I learn new things. Everyday okey! It is really though and challenging but I know Allah will not putting me here if I am not able to face it. I believe to His plan. InsyaAllah. Amiinn


Wednesday, 28 August 2019



Lama ye tinggalkan blog. macam biasa lah ahahahaha 
This time around, I want to tell you guys that my blog InsyaAllah will be active back after a year hahahaha . I already change the name of the blog. I change the header. It is all for the purpose of my upcoming project. InsyaAllah if Allah will and the support from my family and friends. 
It is something that I really want to do since I am 13 years old. 

"Tiy Sha", will be my pen name through all my social media. but my personal account will be active as usual but it is just for myself. 

I hope that Tiy Sha will be successful in order to create her name as a writer, InsyaAllah. My purpose only want to make all my 'berangan' to be in a written form. 'berangan' will always be my favourite hobby and will keep continuing hahahahaha 

tak salah kan, nak berangan? 

So, Stay tuned....